Wedding Superstitions, Explained.

Did you ever wonder why the month of June became the popular month to get married in? Or why the bridal wear includes a veil? Or why is there a bouquet toss at the reception? Well, we’re here to explain the mysterious reasons and origins why these superstitions exist. Some of them may surprise you!

1. Something Old, New, Borrowed, and Blue

This little poetry has been here since time immemorial. This is the probably the most famous line that all brides in the world abide by. Something old means carrying a piece of a bride’s past, something new symbolizes the future of the couple. Something borrowed means borrowing a piece from a happily married friend or relative in the hopes of her luck rubbing off on the bride and something blue means fidelity and love.

2. Crying as you walk down the aisle

They say that when you cry while walking down the aisle, you will eventually dry those tear ducts out so that there will be no more unhappiness and tears in the future. Just make sure to wear a waterproof mascara, lovebug.

3. Seeing your soon-to-be before the wedding march

This superstition dates back to the time of arranged marriages. Back then they believed that if couples were to see each other before the ceremony, they still had time to change their minds. Hence, forbidding the soon-to-weds to see until it is time for the bride to march. (CNN) Nowadays, couples eagerly await for the ‘first look’. They also spend lots of time taking pictures before the actual ceremony.

4. Why June is the most popular month for weddings

Roman Goddess, Juno, is said to rule over childbirth and marriage. Hence, the popularity of June weddings. (The Knot

5. Why is there a garter and bouquet toss?

In medieval times, couples who get married are deemed fortunate. People around them are envious of the luck. That’s why people crowd the newlyweds and hope to get a piece of the bridal wear in the hopes of the new bride’s fortune to rub off on them. As an escape, the bride tosses her bouquet to distract the guests while they make their getaway. Grooms, on the other hand, tosses a garter to his fellow men as a sign that he will consummate the marriage. Nowadays, this gesture symbolizes a wish that whomever will catch the garter or bouquet, will be entrusted with the same luck and will get married soon after.  

bouquet, roses, bouquet of flowers

6. Why brides wear a veil

In ancient Rome, brides are instructed to wear a veil to hide their faces and to avoid the ill-wishes and vexes of rumored witches and other bad spirits that may cast spells on the future couple.


7. Why the groom needs to carry the bride over the threshold of their new home

A bride is said to invite bad spirits unto her new home by stepping on the ground. To avoid this, grooms need to carry the bride across the threshold. Nowadays, nothing is more romantic than cozying up to your forever love. Who knew that this was a superstition? We demand to make it a must on your wedding day! 😉

8. Rain on your wedding day

They say rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck. It means a cleansing of the earth and the rebirth of plants. Modern brides pray for a sunny wedding day for the reasons of convenience. No one wants to get stuck in the mud (literally!) As a tropical country, we have no choice but to live with the rain and the sun. It is no use trying to pick out venues located in the flood-prone areas.

Luckily, we have the perfect solution for you. Check out how to have a worry-free wedding, rain or shine in this outdoor venue away from flood-prone areas.

drops, rain, rain drops

9. Saturday is the unluckiest day to get married

An ancient Celtic poem reads: “Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday the best day of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, and Saturday no luck at all.” ( Funny because Saturday seems to be the most popular day to get married in! Well, this one’s obvious. In contemporary times, a big percentage of guests are usually free on weekends. Getting married on a weekday has it merits too! For one, wedding suppliers and wedding venues tend to charge lower rates on weekdays rather than on weekends. This is good news for couples! They have lots of opportunities to save up while planning their wedding.

Check out Jardin de Miramar’s weekday and weekend packages here.

10. Ringing Bells

Just like New Years’ eve, making loud noises such as ringing bells is said to drive out misfortune, diseases, and evil spirits. This superstition actually came from an old Irish tradition. That’s why a popular choice for the bridal bouquet includes bells, too. They believe that ringing bells symbolizes a peaceful, safe, and harmonious life for the newlyweds.

With everything that we’ve been through, we sure need a dose of those ringing bells.

As Filipinos, we all know that there are certain wedding superstitions that we need to follow because our parents, grandparents, and relatives said so. What can we say? There’s no harm in doing it and we will not lose anything if we try. I say knowing all of the origins and explanations of these superstitions allow us to have a more meaningful appreciation for them. So, a little piece of advice? Take your time in the actual ceremony. Breathe in everything and hope for a better future!

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